Carmen’s Question

By | September 24, 2021

For those of you wondering about all those little lizards running around our park this season Carmen has investigated and found out about our little lizard friends.

She emailed Gavin Hanke of the Royal B.C. Museum some questions and he responded back.

Here was his response; (Edited by James to fit onto the page)

Carmen: Are Lizards going to become a problem getting into our homes and sheds?

Gavin: Not likely they will go into houses, but sheds are probable especially as a frost-free refuge in Winter.

Carmen: Do they eat beneficial insects that help pollinate ground vines?

Gavin: We know they eat earwigs, ants, termites, wasps, flies, butterflies, each other, earthworms (even dried ones), and aphids. They also eat wind-fall figs, blackberries, blueberries, probably raspberries and one has been seen coring out the bottom of tomatoes (maybe for water).

Carmen: Will the snakes eat the lizards?

Gavin: Yes, but Wall Lizards also eat newborn garter snakes.

Carmen: Do the lizards have natural predators?

Garvin: Yes, domestic cats, Racoons, garter snakes, gulls, crows, maybe some hawks, American Robins, Steller’s Jays, and House Sparrows. But they don’t seem to be catching up to the lizard population.

Carmen: How can they be controlled?

Gavin: They are beyond control now. We should have attacked them in the 1970’s when there were just over a dozen released at Ruby Road. Today we estimate about 500,000 lizards on Vancouver Island.

Carmen: Does sticky tape work?

Gavin: Sticky tape does work – but it is a cruel way to deal with animals. Maybe try spritzing Windex or spear hot sauce along the door frames. Or make sure the weather stripping is well maintained.

Carmen: Do you think the hotter summers are a cause of the lizard increase?

Gavin: Yes. Wall Lizards can get two clutches of eggs in typical summers, three clutches in longer dry years. But this year we have seen at least four.

Carmen: I don’t think they like to get wet?

Gavin: Yes -they certainly do belt away when my sprinkler soaks their basking spots. They don’t seem to like being showered.