Committee Constitution

Central Saanich Estates Tenants’ Association



  1. NAME: A Committee shall be duly elected and referred to as the SAANICH CENTRAL ESTATES TENANTS’ COMMITTEE.
  2. COMPOSITION: The committee shall consist of a Chair-person, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and a minimum of three (3) Members at Large to a maximum of six (6).
  3. TERM: The committee shall serve a term of one (1) year commencing April 1st.
  4. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: An AGM shall be held during the last month of the committee’s term (March) where committee members shall give annual reports and hold a new election to select a new committee for the following term.


  1. The Committee shall act on behalf of or represent tenants whenever necessary to pursue matters that effect their interests or matters related to their manufactured homes.
  2. A committee representative shall attend (when appropriate) meeting with any level of Government – Tsawout 1st Nation, Municipality of Central Saanich, Federal/Provincial Governments and/or their agencies. i.e. CRD, B.C. Taxation Authority and assessments offices, etc., to discuss, pursue, and negotiate matters to protect or enhance tenants’ interests.
  3. The Chairperson shall meet with the Park manager to discuss and resolve any Park problems and/or concerns.


  1. POLICY The committee will operate and have an open line of communications between our homeowners, park management, other manufactured home associations, and other principles deemed necessary to pursue matters that are in the best interest of the park tenants.
  2. The committee shall respond in writing to all written requests for assistance from our park tenants.
  3. The committee shall only investigate written and signed letters of concern and they will also respond in writing to the respective person(s).
  4. Tenants may recommend or suggest changes to this Constitution in writing to the Committee Chairperson by no later than February 15th.
  5. The Committee will circulate those suggested changes to each home 14 days before the AGM meeting, it will be placed on the March AGM agenda, and ultimately voted on by those tenants present at the said meeting.


To conform to the above Policy, the following guidelines apply:

  1. Complaints, Problems. or Recommendations:
    1. Tenant(s) must initially direct issues within the terms of the Tenancy Agreement to the offending tenant.
    2. If the issue has not been resolved then the tenant(s) must contact Management in writing outlining their concerns, state what actions they have already taken, outline what response they have received from the tenant (c.c. The Committee).
    3. The Committee will only get involved after the first two steps have been implemented.
  2. The Committee will not accept verbal complaints or recommendations.
  3. Individual Committee members cannot make commitments on behalf of the committee.
  4. Complaints/Recommendations
    1. Complaints/recommendations must be in writing and signed by the originator(s). The Tenant(s) must indicate what actions have been taken and what response (if any) has resulted.
    2. The Committee will ensure that all the facts have been obtained before proceeding.
    3. The committee will advise the Tenant(s) in writing of the action taken and subsequent results.
    4. If applicable, this would include matters where the Committee determines that proceedings would not be practical or beneficial to the park Tenants.
  5. All written correspondence must have Committee approval and must be signed by the Chairperson.
  6. If the situation warrants, an information bulletin will be delivered to all Tenants homes.
  7. A General or Special Meeting may be called at anytime during the year if ten (10) residences request such a meeting in writing, and the Committee will advise all tenants fourteen (14) days before the special meeting of the agenda, time place, etc.
  8. An AGM shall be held during the last month of the Committees term (March), at which time the Committee will give their annual reports. (It is suggested that such reports be delivered to each tenant’s home fourteen (14) prior to the AGM because not all tenants attend the AGM).


  1. An annual or fiscal year term of operations commences on April 1st and ends March 31st.
  2. An annual Association membership fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall be assessed per residence and payable on or before May 1st each year. The Treasurer will issue a receipt for the annual fees. This assessment covers administrative costs, postage, stationary and copy charges.
  3. A record of monies received and disbursed is to be maintained and available to scrutiny by any committee member or those tenants approved by the Committee.
  4. Committee members shall receive no compensation for the performance of their duties and/or responsibilities. Where such duties necessitate “out of pocket” expenses, the member must provide receipts and expenditures will be recorded by the Treasurer.
  5. If an Associate member leaves the park, their membership fee shall apply to the tenants who take subsequent occupancy.  
  6. Any proposed changes to the annual membership fee shall require a “Notice of Motion” circulated at lease fourteen (14) days prior to the AGM and must receive two thirds (2/3) support of the tenants in attendance at the AGM.
  7. For conducting business at the AGM, a quorum shall consist of not less than thirty percent (30%) of the total park tenants.
  8. All cheques must be signed by the Treasurer plus either the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson.



    1. Prepare agenda for AGM and committee meetings.
    2. Chair AGM and committee meetings.
    3. Facilitate the business at hand by maintaining order.
    4. Solicit input from each committee member.
    5. Attend all appropriate meetings where necessary when the tenants’ interests must be protected or enhanced.
    6. Establish and distribute a park newsletter.
    7. Promote social activities for park tenants.
    8. Carry out the business at hand in a timely manner.
    9. Establish and maintain a tenant’s directory.
    10. Operate and maintain a park news bulletin board.
    11. Sign on behalf of the committee all correspondence or notices originated by the committee.
    12. Distribute bulletins to the tenants.
    13. Delegate and distribute workload to other committee members when and where required.
    14. The above items do not restrict the duties of the Chairperson as other issues may arise, therefore he or she is not limited to the above duties.
    1. Shall carry out duties of the Chairperson in his or her absence.
    1. Shall keep minutes of each committee and AGM meeting.
    2. Have previous minutes read and adopted for files.
    3. File incoming and outgoing correspondence.
    4. Ensure committee members are provided copies of letters that will be discussed at committee meetings.
    1. Maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of all park funds.(At a minimum) provide a quarterly financial report at committee meetings.
    2. Prepare a complete annual financial statement for presentation at the AGM.
    3. Maintain a file for all receipts and disbursements.
    4. Reimburse committee members approved expenses incurred while carrying out their duties.
    5. Extraordinary expenses shall require Committee approval.
    1. To assist where and when required to ensure that the decisions of the committee are achieved.
    2. Carry out assignments as delegated by the chairperson.
    3. Will also be the eyes and ears of the tenants and will bring back to the committee any interests or concerns that they feel are appropriate as an agenda item.


  1. The Central Saanich Estates Tenant’s Association will remain in effect until the tenants of Central Saanich Estates mobile home park has disbanded or dissolved the association at a duly convened meeting.


  1. Committee members will carry out the Objectives, Policies and responsibilities as outlines above of the Central Saanich Estates Tenant’s Association to the best of his or her abilities.
  2. The Committee shall meet not less than three (3) times per year (quarterly).
  3. A simple majority of Committee members in attendance shall constitute a quorum for conducting business.
  4. The Committee, during its last month in office (March), will call and hold it’s annual AGM.